Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for December, 2020

Why You Have Uneven Heating on Different Floors

Monday, December 28th, 2020

red-arrow-heat-flow-diagramHeat rises. That’s a basic fact of physics, nothing will change that. It’s the reason that the second floor of a house tends to get hotter than the ground floor. It can be a problem in both summer and winter, trying to cool down the house or avoid the upper floor from overheating. 

However, an effective HVAC system for a home, particularly a newer home with good insulation, can strike the right balance and keep the second floor from getting too hot and create a good, even distribution of comfort through the house. 

You, however, aren’t currently enjoying this situation. At least not if you’re reading this intently. Your house has previously not had a serious problem in winter with a boiling second floor. But now it’s become such a sauna where going outside in the cold seems like a better option. Why is this happening?

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The Common Materials of Modern Plumbing Pipes

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Cut-PVC-pipesIndoor plumbing has a long history, and through it all the materials used for pipes have changed. If you live in an older home, your plumbing system may have outdated pipe material that needs to be replaced. 

In this post, we’ve put together a list of the pipe materials commonly found in modern homes as well as the current materials plumbers use when doing jobs. We hope this will give you a better understanding of the work our plumbers may need to provide you when it’s time for repairs or repiping. If you have doubts about the type of pipes you have in your house, call us and we can find out what work may need to be done. For more on repiping, see our guide on whole-house repiping and whether it’s necessary for your home.

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