Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for January, 2021

What to Do When Your Toilet Overflows

Monday, January 25th, 2021

toilet-with-sprayer-and-phoneWe know that an overflowing toilet is one of those plumbing problems that can cause a sudden burst of panic when it strikes. You might immediately have images of large parts of your house flooding as you desperately try to get somebody to fix the problem.

We have good news. First, you have somebody on your side who can fix the problem—you’re already on our website and we’re only a phone call away for the toilet repair in Snellville, GA that will take care of your malfunctioning throne. Second, with the proper steps, you can quickly stop serious trouble from the overflowing toilet and have your immediate fears calmed down so you can wait for our arrival in relative peace. For additional tips, see our guide on how to prepare for an emergency plumbing situation.

We’ll go through the basic steps of what to do when you’ve got an overflowing toilet.

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Can a Gas Furnace Become Dangerous?

Monday, January 11th, 2021

furnace-oldIf you use a gas furnace to warm your house, you may have wondered if there’s a chance the furnace could become a hazard. The simple answer is “yes,” because that’s true for any use of natural gas.

However, this isn’t a reason to panic or immediately think of switching to a different type of heater. The chance of your furnace becoming dangerous is small, and with precautions you can keep it to almost nothing. The modern gas furnace is built with safety features and made to high standards to make them safe for homes—they wouldn’t be allowed in homes at all if they were routinely dangerous.

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