Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for January, 2022

When Is a Plumbing Problem a Plumbing EMERGENCY?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

burst-pipeWhen you picture a plumbing emergency, you might conjure up a nightmare scenario of water flooding your house from a broken fixture. And, yes, that would definitely count as an emergency plumbing situation! But there are other plumbing problems without such outward flash that also require calling an emergency plumber. 

How can you tell if the plumbing problem you’ve got requires emergency plumbing in Braselton, GA? We can help you with this—and we’re ready to do whatever work you need, 24/7. To learn more about common plumbing emergencies, check out our guide on flooding and emergency plumbing concerns.

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Why Your Electric Furnace Isn’t Turning On

Monday, January 10th, 2022

heating-elementMany homes in our area don’t have access to a natural gas line and must rely on electricity to power most of their home appliances. For all-electric houses, an electric furnace is the most common option for winter warmth. Electric furnaces don’t have the same high heating capacity or speed as their natural gas-powered cousins, but they have advantages such as lower installation costs, longer service lives, and no worries about gas combustion or gas leaks.

If your reliable electric furnace and suddenly turned unreliable, not coming on when you need it to, you may need to call us for furnace repair in Lilburn, GA. Although electric furnaces don’t have the same potential safety hazards as gas furnaces, they still need the work of professionals to fix them. For more information on potential dangers with gas furnaces, see our guide on gas furnace safety concerns.

Below are some of the reasons your electric furnace may be failing to turn on.

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