Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for August, 2023

Don’t Try Gas Line Installation Yourself

Monday, August 21st, 2023

If you have been thinking about investing in gas service for your home, you may be wondering if this is a DIY job that you can complete on your own. Gas lines may already run into your area, so you think it is just a simple as connecting the line to your home.

But there is a lot more that goes into it, and you really want to have a professional handling this important and potentially dangerous service for you. You can keep reading to learn about why you want to partner with a gas line plumber in Covington, GA. Then, give our team a call to schedule service.

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Let’s Learn About the Sacrificial Anode Rod

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Did you know that your water heater needs maintenance just like your air conditioner and other appliances do? If you haven’t scheduled water heater service in Lawrenceville, GA, in the last several years, it’s time to do so now. 

A big part of that maintenance appointment is knowing when it’s time to switch out the sacrificial anode rod inside of your water heater. Skipping out on water heater maintenance can mean that you deal with more problems and even have to replace your water heater sooner – all because of one small component. Regular maintenance, including flushing your water heater, can prevent these issues. Learn more about why your water heater needs regular flushes to maintain peak efficiency. You can keep reading to learn more what a sacrificial anode rod is and why water heater maintenance is so important.

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