Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for October, 2023

The Dreaded Cold Spots: What to Do

Monday, October 16th, 2023

If you’re turning your heat on for the fall and winter season, only to realize that your home has cold spots that never get as warm as the rest of your home, now is the time to do something about it. Putting off service will only mean that you have to deal with cold spots for even longer into the season.

Uneven heating in your house in Monroe, GA doesn’t have to be something you just deal with. Instead, our team can fix the problem so that your home is heated evenly all season long. You can keep reading to learn more about what causes cold spots and what we can do about it. For more insights, check out our guide on how to evaluate the cost of heater repair.

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Is Your Water Heater Running Out of Hot Water?

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

You have a hot water tank in your home because you want to have hot water when you need it. You know that the tank size limits how much hot water you can have at any given time, but there are instances when your hot water tank struggles to produce hot water at all. When you have water not getting hot enough in Covington, GA, it’s time to call and schedule a water heater maintenance appointment.

There are many times that we can make repairs to address the problem without having to replace your entire water heater. If sediment buildup is the culprit, a simple water heater flush may be enough to restore its efficiency. Of course, if your water heater is up in age, it may very well be time for a replacement, but we can talk to you about your options during our assessment. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons that your water heater might be running out of hot water.

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