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Grading Your AC at the End of the Season

service-checkmarkYour air conditioning system attends a type of summer school. You want to make sure your air conditioner performs the best work during each summer, otherwise it’s time to either have the AC repaired or maybe replaced.

We recommend you give your air conditioning system a report card during the fall. A simple grade for how well it did over the previous summer. This will help you choose what to do about it during the cooler season and if you need the assistance of an Athens, GA HVAC contractor to help with the future of cooling in your house.

Think about the cooling in your house during the summer, and then give your air conditioning system a grade, from “A” to “F.”

Done? Okay, let’s look at what these grades might mean for your home’s comfort system:

Grade “A”—Great Cooling, No Complaints

If you didn’t hesitate to award your air conditioner a perfect grade (or even an “A–”), you’re probably in good shape for the next summer. The air conditioner ran when required, gave no signs of trouble, and cooled the house to the level you needed it to. In fact, we’d wager that one of the reasons you could give your AC such a good grade is because you have it professionally maintained each year with our Energy Savings Plans. Keep it up! With this kind of service, you may be handing out “A”s for many summers to come.

Grade “B”—Solid Performance, Could’ve Been Better

That’s good … but how could it have been better? Did the air conditioner have a few days when it wasn’t overcoming the heat the way you expected? Maybe it’s costing a bit more to run than usual (although you probably spent more time indoors). Do you have worries that the AC is getting up in age and maybe you won’t be able to rely on it in the future? If there’s anything that seems off with the system, schedule a repair check in the fall.

Grade “C”—Passable But Mediocre

If you gave your AC a “C” rating, which is a passing grade but shows significant room for improvement, something to consider is the age of the system. If it’s more than 10 years old, we recommend you give serious thought to a replacement system. If you gave the “C” because the air conditioner needed a repair during the summer, this may not be a disqualifying issue—but stay vigilant about how often you need future repairs. A repair a year is too often.

Grade “D”—Too Many Problems

You’re getting cool air, but the AC just isn’t one you can trust to hold up each time it comes on. You’ve needed to repair it, and you have serious reservations about how it will hold up. We strongly advise calling us to inspect the system and see if it either needs a major repair or a full replacement.

Grade “F”—Dead Air Conditioner

Call us to replace the system. In fact, you probably already called once you gave the system an “F.” Because the air conditioner isn’t working at all!

Rely on Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing to help you find the best air conditioning future for your house. Your comfort is OUR business!

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