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Should You Replace Your AC This Fall?

old-air-conditionerThe fall may be a time when the weather begins to cool down and we don’t need to rely on our air conditioners as much, but it’s also a good time to schedule important services for air conditioners. Fall is a less crowded time of the year for professional HVAC in Conyers, GA, with technicians answering fewer emergency AC calls and the heating season not underway yet. If you think you have an AC ready for retirement, fall is an excellent time to have it done.

But … do you need a new AC? That might be the big question bothering you. You have suspicions your current air conditioner won’t be useful for much longer, but a professional AC replacement is a big job and not something you want to rush into. 

We’re here to help! Seeing you have a comfortable house is our business, and we’re experts at all things air conditioning. We’ll share some of our knowledge about AC replacement, and when you’re ready for the next step, we’re ready to take your call.

An Air Conditioner’s Age Is the Big “Tell”

The most important fact to know about your air conditioner when it comes to choosing a replacement time is its age. An air conditioner can last from 10 to 15 years with proper annual maintenance. Any system that’s over 15 years is in a danger zone for a string of expensive repairs, rising operating costs, and abrupt breakdowns. If your AC has made it to 15 years, you’ve more than gotten back your original investment and it’s time to move on to the next system. 

An Old AC Comes With High Costs

The last year or so of an air conditioner’s service life can rack up steep costs for a homeowner. You may be grateful to receive cooling from your aging air conditioner, but you won’t feel as sanguine with the costs associated with it:

  • A dying AC will lose much of its energy efficiency and raise utility bills.
  • An air conditioner requires the most repairs during the last two years of its life, and you might see repair bills stack up until they’re almost half the cost of getting a new AC.
  • A sudden breakdown means scrambling to get either repairs or a replacement on short notice, which is costly and inconvenient. 
  • You may pay a cost in less comfort, since old ACs often start to lose their cooling capacities and leave hot spots around the house.

Benefits of a New System

Think of an air conditioning replacement not as a chore, but as an opportunity. If you have an old AC, installing a new one not only gives you a more reliable air conditioner, it can give you a much better air conditioner. HVAC technology has advanced far in only the 15 years you’ve had your AC, and some of the newest systems available have far higher energy efficiency ratings than before. They also come with improved features for better cooling distribution and fewer temperature fluctuations. When you think of a replacement as an upgrade—which it almost certainly is—you’ll find it easier to make the choice. 

At Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing, Your Comfort Is OUR Business. Call us to find out more about air conditioning replacement.

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