Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

4 Reasons To Book An AC Tune-Up Today

Monday, March 6th, 2023

The spring season and warmer weather are just around the corner. For now, you’re still using your heater, but you may be looking forward to warmer weather and switching over to cooling. If you haven’t had an AC tuneup in the last year, it’s a good idea to schedule one before the summer. 

Ideally, you want to have your air conditioner serviced before it takes on the brunt of cooling your home on the hottest days of summer. If you’re ready to schedule AC maintenance in Monroe, GA, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn the biggest ways air conditioning maintenance benefits you.

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The Importance of Routine Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

It doesn’t get as cold here as it does in the more northern states, but we still look forward to turning on our heaters on cold days. As winter approaches, you’re going to be turning on your heater for the first time this heating season. And when you turn on your heating system, you want it to work perfectly and warm your home quickly. 

But what if you turn it on and suspect that something is wrong with your heater? Hearing unusual sounds or having your heater not work as well as it did last season are both signs that you need heater maintenance in Dacula, GA. Sure, you can ignore the signs that something is wrong and hope for the best. But eventually, the damage will spread and lead to your heater not working at all. Instead, you can learn the importance of routine heating maintenance for avoiding those costly repairs.

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Are You Believing This Potentially Harmful AC Refrigerant Myth?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

air-conditioner-with-maintenance-toolsYou come home one day from work and your home feels warmer than usual. You tinker with the thermostat until you hear the unit turn on to begin cooling – that’s a good sign. At least your unit is running. But then you hold your hand under an air vent to feel warm air coming out. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? For many of us, it’s a refrigerant leak. 

But what exactly is refrigerant? You may know that refrigerant is inside your AC unit, and you know that it has the job of cooling your home’s air. Most people don’t know much more. And in fact, there are a lot of misconceptions about refrigerant. One is that refrigerant is a fuel that runs out over time. This simply isn’t true. If you have questions about refrigerant or need an air conditioning repair in Athens, GA, our team can help. In the meantime, you can read on to see how much you really know about refrigerant and maybe learn something new.

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4 Ways to Deal With AC Compressor Failure

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Temperatures are skyrocketing this summer as heatwave after heatwave rolls across the nation. You’re running your AC more than ever before, and it’s feeling the strain. The days have surpassed 100 degrees for weeks and it finally happens — your air conditioning stops working.

The most common culprit is air compressor failure. Working as the heart of the whole system this is where refrigerant is pressurized into a hot gas allowing it to pass between the indoor and outdoor coils, thus cooling the air inside the home. One of the most integral components, without a functioning compressor an AC unit can’t run. Learn more about why ice on your AC could signal trouble.

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Why Is There Ice on My AC?

Monday, July 25th, 2022

ice-on-an-acNo, ice on your air conditioning system doesn’t mean the AC is working extremely well. It means the opposite. Ice isn’t supposed to form on an air conditioner under normal conditions. Unfortunately, people often ignore this sign of an AC malfunction because it seems like it makes sense—and this can soon lead to an air conditioner that isn’t providing any cooling at all!

What can happen with an AC that causes ice to form? There are several potential causes, and most are connected to the evaporator coil. This coil contains the cold refrigerant that absorbs heat from the air around it to cool it down. As the cold refrigerant evaporates, it warms up. If something prevents the refrigerant from warming up enough, it will remain below freezing. The water moisture that forms along the coil will then start to freeze. Once ice begins to form, it will further restrict the evaporator coil from absorbing heat until the coil is completely frozen over and the AC won’t work at all.

Here are the main causes of ice development:

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Is It Better to Buy More Expensive Air Filters for My AC?

Monday, June 27th, 2022

man-holding-air-filterThe air filter for your air conditioner, sometimes referred to as the blower filter to distinguish it from the air filtration systems used to improve indoor air quality, is an important component. It does the job of protecting the interior of the air conditioner from dust and dirt infiltration. The blower fan in the AC draws air through the return air ducts, and plenty of dust, lint, and other debris come with that air. The filter stops them so only the air gets through. The filter requires routine changes (every 1 to 3 months) so it won’t become too congested.

You can purchase different types of air filters at a range of prices. Is it better to go with the more expensive filters? Or are the lower-cost filters just as effective? We often hear these questions from our customers and we’d like to address them in this post.

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Can I Run My Air Conditioner Without an Air Filter?

Monday, June 13th, 2022

air-filter-changeThe simple answer to this question is that you can run your AC without a filter, but you don’t want to and you shouldn’t.

We understand why you might wonder if you can do away with using the blower filter for the air conditioner. The filter needs regular maintenance to replace it every one to three months, and if the filter is left in place, it will have a deleterious effect on the air conditioner, leading to the need for AC repair in Conyers, GA or even a full system replacement. We often remind customers of the importance of changing the filter on a regular schedule. 

So why not just go without it? Because this filter does an important job—and you may not realize just how important.

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Why Does My AC Shut Off Early?

Monday, May 16th, 2022

ac-grillWhen your air conditioning system does its job right, you won’t take much notice of it. The sound of the air conditioner whirring as it wafts cool air around the home becomes part of the soundtrack of summer. But you’ll probably notice when something does go wrong, such as when the AC shuts down early, running for only a few minutes. Not only does this disrupt the sounds you expect from it, but it also leads to less comfort around the house.

What causes the AC to do this? We’ll examine this further in this post.

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What the Weird Smells From Your AC Might Mean

Monday, April 18th, 2022

vent-cover-in-ceilingWhen you turn on your air conditioner during a hot and humid day in Georgia, you expect to receive cool air from it. You don’t expect to have weird or unpleasant odors emerge from your AC as well! Unfortunately, this does sometimes happen. When you’ve got an odd-smelling air conditioner, you may need to call our expert technicians for air conditioning repair in Athens, GA, since these smells often warn of a malfunction. 

What do these odd smells mean? We’ll look at some of the more common below.

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It’s Officially Spring—Time for Regular AC Maintenance

Monday, March 21st, 2022

air-conditioner-with-maintenance-toolsThis week, we officially welcome spring. That doesn’t mean we welcome spring weather permanently since early spring often has temper tantrums with abrupt cold snaps. But spring does mark an important shift in our homes and how we think about them for the coming middle of the year. For HVAC professionals, this is the season when we help our customers with the important job of routine air conditioning maintenance inspections and tune-ups.

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