Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

What Causes a Furnace to Stop Heating?

Monday, December 12th, 2022
3D illustration of furnace

Furnaces are very reliable appliances for heating your home – especially if they are gas-powered. But even the best furnaces can have problems from time to time. But what is it that causes a furnace to stop heating completely?

It’s a problem none of us want to face. We all expect our heaters to work great and meet our heating needs. But if you’re having furnace troubles and need furnace service in Conyers, GA, our team can help, We’ve fixed it all and we’ve seen it all, so troubleshooting isn’t a problem. For more insights, read about why your furnace might stop heating. There are a few common issues we see that cause a furnace to stop heating. 

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What Are the Symptoms of a Failing Heating System?

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Your heater is an integral part of your home. In the winter, you may even argue that it’s the most important appliance in your home. So what should you do if you suspect that your heating system is failing? You definitely want to stay ahead of repairs so that you’re not faced with an unwanted surprise at the worst possible time. 

The best way to stay ahead of heater repairs is to learn the symptoms of a failing heating system. This way, you can identify when something goes wrong early on instead of waiting until the problem gets worse. And if you find that you need heating repair in Suwanee, GA, our team can help. Learn more about common symptoms of a failing heating system and what to watch out for.

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How You Know Your Heater Is in Trouble

Monday, November 14th, 2022

If you’ve had your heater for ten years or longer, a replacement is imminent. While your heating system could last for years to come, it’s also likely that you’ll need to replace your heater sooner rather than later. Ideally, you want to stay ahead of heater problems and replace your unit before it breaks down completely and leaves you in a lurch.

But what are the symptoms of a failing heating system? If you know the signs of heater problems, you can repair or address them before they get worse and lead to even bigger heater problems. If you need heater repair in Suwanee, GA, our team can help. We can answer your questions and even assess your heater to offer a recommendation for maintenance or replacement. Learn more about why your furnace might stop heating.

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How Long Can You Expect Your Heating System to Last?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Furnace-standardJust as there is no such thing as “the last pair of shoes you’ll ever need to buy,” there’s no such thing as the “last central heating system you’ll ever need to install.” A heater, whether it’s a gas furnace, electric furnace, heat pump, or ductless mini split, wears down over time. Quality professional maintenance done each year will help the system last for as long as possible, but you’ll one day need to have the unit replaced. 

We handle heating system installation and heating repair in Buford, GA, so we know a great deal about the life expectancies of heating systems and the factors that can affect them. We can provide you with some general information about your heater’s estimated service life, but when it comes time to make a decision, we recommend calling us for a professional opinion. 

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Why Your Electric Furnace Isn’t Turning On

Monday, January 10th, 2022

heating-elementMany homes in our area don’t have access to a natural gas line and must rely on electricity to power most of their home appliances. For all-electric houses, an electric furnace is the most common option for winter warmth. Electric furnaces don’t have the same high heating capacity or speed as their natural gas-powered cousins, but they have advantages such as lower installation costs, longer service lives, and no worries about gas combustion or gas leaks.

If your reliable electric furnace and suddenly turned unreliable, not coming on when you need it to, you may need to call us for furnace repair in Lilburn, GA. Although electric furnaces don’t have the same potential safety hazards as gas furnaces, they still need the work of professionals to fix them. For more information on potential dangers with gas furnaces, see our guide on gas furnace safety concerns.

Below are some of the reasons your electric furnace may be failing to turn on.

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Too Late for Heating Maintenance? Not in Georgia!

Monday, December 13th, 2021

girl-welcomes-winterWe have a winter chill in the air and days that are dropping into the 50s. The long-sleeved shirts and jackets are coming out, and in many homes central heating systems are turning on. Yes, it’s almost officially winter… 

So does that mean that if you didn’t already arrange for heater maintenance in Suwanee, GA that it’s too late? Not at all! In fact, you might consider yourself to be just in time. Remembering to get it done at all already puts you ahead of many homeowners who let this vital yearly service slip their minds.

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Don’t Set Your Thermostat Too High This Winter—Here’s Why

Monday, November 15th, 2021

advanced-thermostat-on-hot-dayHow high can you set your home’s thermostat? If your thermostat and heating system are like most, the upper setting is 90°F. That means, in theory at least, you could turn your house into a hot day at the beach even during the middle of winter. That probably doesn’t sound appealing to you, but a nice 80°F may sound ideal. You can lounge around in your shorts in perfect comfort. In January!

But … please don’t do this. Our recommendation for winter thermostat settings is to lower the thermostat, not raise it. As the temperature outdoors drops, you’ll feel tempted to push up the thermostat setting higher each time you feel too cold, and then lower it when it gets too hot, but this isn’t the best practice for energy costs and the performance of your heating system. We’ll explain more below.

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The Cracked Heat Exchanger Is a Serious Gas Furnace Problem!

Monday, November 1st, 2021

furnace-testingWe never want to alarm our customers, but it’s an important part of our job as HVAC experts to let them know about potential harmful problems that can occur. The more you know about possible hazards with your gas furnace, the better you’ll be able to recognize when you need to call us for professional furnace repair in Conyers, GA

Before we go deeper into today’s topic—the cracked heat exchanger—we want to assure you that gas furnaces are designed to high safety specifications and under normal conditions aren’t dangerous for homes. With the proper steps, such as annual heating maintenance and prompt repair attention, you can enjoy warmth from your gas furnace in safety.

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Is It Time to Think About Heating Maintenance Yet? You Bet!

Monday, September 6th, 2021

hands-opening-heating-cabinetLast year, we called October the “Unofficial Maintain Your Heater Month.” We made it unofficial for a good reason: September is also an excellent month to arrange for regular heating maintenance in Lawrenceville, GA. It’s the month when fall officially begins, and most people’s thoughts turn from summer the moment the calendar flips over to September, even if the weather is still warm.

If you want to get a head start on a professional inspection and tune-up for your home’s heating system, we encourage that. September is when business for HVAC companies starts to slow down as fewer people need help with their air conditioners and the weather hasn’t gotten cold enough for heating emergencies. You’ll find it easy to schedule a convenient appointment for our technicians to give your heating system the attention and service necessary for a safe and warm winter.

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Don’t Leave Your Heater With Lingering Repairs at the End of Winter!

Monday, March 8th, 2021

furance-checked-by-technicianWe know you’re excited to enjoy the warm weather of spring, and it’s not far away now. In this excitement, you might ignore signs of trouble with your furnace, heat pump, or other central heating system. “So the furnace is making some odd sounds. No big deal. It will soon be warm and I can worry about getting it fixed later.”

Please don’t do this! Heating repair in Braselton, GA is always a service you need to arrange as soon as you detect something amiss with your central heater. We know how tempting it is to procrastinate with warm weather starting to show up, but you shouldn’t leave a repair issue unresolved at the end of the winter. We’ll explain why.

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