Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Can a Gas Furnace Become Dangerous?

Monday, January 11th, 2021

furnace-oldIf you use a gas furnace to warm your house, you may have wondered if there’s a chance the furnace could become a hazard. The simple answer is “yes,” because that’s true for any use of natural gas.

However, this isn’t a reason to panic or immediately think of switching to a different type of heater. The chance of your furnace becoming dangerous is small, and with precautions you can keep it to almost nothing. The modern gas furnace is built with safety features and made to high standards to make them safe for homes—they wouldn’t be allowed in homes at all if they were routinely dangerous.

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Why You Have Uneven Heating on Different Floors

Monday, December 28th, 2020

red-arrow-heat-flow-diagramHeat rises. That’s a basic fact of physics, nothing will change that. It’s the reason that the second floor of a house tends to get hotter than the ground floor. It can be a problem in both summer and winter, trying to cool down the house or avoid the upper floor from overheating. 

However, an effective HVAC system for a home, particularly a newer home with good insulation, can strike the right balance and keep the second floor from getting too hot and create a good, even distribution of comfort through the house. 

You, however, aren’t currently enjoying this situation. At least not if you’re reading this intently. Your house has previously not had a serious problem in winter with a boiling second floor. But now it’s become such a sauna where going outside in the cold seems like a better option. Why is this happening?

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Why Won’t My Heat Pump Start Heating?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

vent-cover-in-ceilingThe greatest advantage of heat pumps (or one of the greatest; they have several advantages) is that they can work as both cooling and heating systems. As the colder weather settles in for winter, you’ll turn your heat pump over to heating mode for the first time in many months. It’s not difficult to do: you simply adjust the thermostat so the temperature setting is higher than the temperature in the house and the heat pump will automatically switch over to provide heat.

But … what if it doesn’t? That’s why we have this blog post: for those times when something isn’t right and the heat pump either stays in cooling mode or it’s only sending out room temperature air.

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Already Worried Your Heater Won’t Make It Through the Winter?

Monday, November 16th, 2020

furnace-oldYou arrived at this blog post because you’re fretting. It’s almost winter, outdoor temperatures are falling, and you feel uncertain that your home’s heating system is up to the job of keeping your family warm until spring.

We can understand this worry. But we also can say with confidence that you don’t need to worry. You have our excellent team for any heating repair in Buford, GA you might need during the coming winter, and we also handle the maintenance service to prevent most repairs. 

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October Is (Unofficial) Maintain Your Heating System Month!

Monday, October 5th, 2020

service-marker-blueWe are making the special announcement on the first week of October 2020 that this month is now “Maintain Your Heating System Month”! This is the month when we spread awareness of how important regular fall heating maintenance is for your Conyers, GA, HVAC system and encourage you to sign up for our maintenance program, the Comfort Club. There is no better way to make October useful and the coming winter comfortable and relaxing than to have our technicians come out to your house and inspect and tune-up your heating system.

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Does Your Furnace Sound Funky?

Monday, February 24th, 2020

When we say “funky”, we do not mean like Stevie Wonder or James Brown. No, what we mean is bad, as in, noises your furnace should definitely not be making. See, your furnace should not be making any strange sounds, and if it is, it is definitely a cause for concern.

There are plenty of sounds that you don’t want to hear coming from your furnace, and below, we have listed some of the most common ones. All you have to do is keep reading below to find out more (and of course, remember to contact us when you need furnace repair in Snellville, GA.) If you’re unsure whether your heater is ready for winter, check out our tips on preparing your HVAC system for the season.

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No, Your Furnace Should NOT Be Blowing Cool Air

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Fortunately, we live in Georgia, which means that winters around here aren’t anything compared to those up North. But, even so, you installed your furnace for a reason: to keep you warm! So, of course, if your system suddenly starts blowing cool air, it’s definitely a cause for concern.

But do not fret! You’ve come to the right spot. See, there are plenty of reasons why your furnace might be blowing cool air, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more ( and yes, remember to call our team when you need furnace repair in Snellville, GA!)

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Here’s Why We Love Heat Pumps (and Think You Should Too!)

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Alright, so we’ve talked a lot about furnaces, the most popular home heating system on the market today. However, there is another system that we think is equally as awesome — they’re efficient, effective, and have the ability to provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch! That’s right: we’re talking about the heat pump!

There are plenty of reasons to consider installing a heat pump in your home, and below, we have outlined a number of them. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more (and of course, remember to contact our team for your heating installation in Snellville, GA!)

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Treat Yourself to a New Air Filter!

Monday, November 4th, 2019

man-holding-air-filterHopefully, you got your fill of tricks and treats over the weekend! However, we were wondering if you still had room for one more (a treat, that is!) See, while candy and other goodies are certainly yummy, a brand new air filter for your furnace is the best treat of all!

There are plenty of reasons to change your air filter on a regular basis (every 1-3 months), and below, we have listed some of these reasons for you. So, what are you waiting for? All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (oh, and of course, remember to call us when you need heating services in Snellville, GA.)

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Is It Time to Break Up with Your Furnace?

Monday, October 21st, 2019

We totally understand that break-ups are hard! Surely, letting go of a furnace that’s kept you and your family warm and toasty for nearly a decade (or more) isn’t all that easy! However, we are here to tell you that saying goodbye is sometimes for the best, especially if your furnace is older or outdated.

There are a number of signs that suggest it’s time to replace your furnace, and below, we’ve listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is grab your tissues, a pint of ice cream, and keep reading to find out more. (Oh, and of course, remember to schedule your furnace replacement in Snellville with our team!)

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