Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Let’s Get That Heater Ready for Fall!

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Okay sure, Georgia isn’t exactly a fall weather kind of state, however, now that summer is officially over, it is time to start thinking about your heater! Of course, the best way to prep for the coming season is by scheduling your heating maintenance services with a professional HVAC contractor. 

We advise scheduling your maintenance services ahead of the winter season — and for good reason! Below, we have listed just some of the many benefits of scheduling now! All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! So, what are you waiting for? Hop to it!

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Low Airflow From Your Furnace Means Trouble

Monday, December 31st, 2018

If you’ve recently noticed low airflow from your furnace, it’s time for furnace repair in Athens, GA. We understand that something like this might not seem like a big deal: the furnace is still running and the air is still coming out, right? However, low airflow is a usually the symptom of another, larger issue.

There are multiple things that can cause low airflow, so it is important that you schedule a visit with an HVAC professional who can accurately diagnose and correct the problem before it comes worse. Letting your system run with low airflow can also lead to a wide array of other issues, leaving you with an even costlier repair bill. For more insights on how neglecting furnace issues can escalate, check out our post on leaving heater repairs unresolved. Below, we will outline some of the potential causes of low airflow and explain why it’s such a big deal.

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Prepare for the Fall With These HVAC Services

Monday, September 10th, 2018

cat-enjoying-warmth-of-radiatorThere’s no better time to prepare for fall than before fall! It’s been a whole year since you’ve turned on your heater, so now is a good time to give it a test run. After all, you don’t want to deal with repair issues in the middle of a cold night. Here’s how we suggest taking care of your fall concerns early on:

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