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Homeowner HVAC Maintenance Steps

No matter what type of HVAC system you have, the steps that you complete as a homeowner are crucial to maintaining the unit. You can either have a hugely positive or negative impact on how your HVAC system operates, and it all comes down to completing regular maintenance – or not. 

You can keep reading to learn more about the steps you need to take for HVAC maintenance in Snellville, GA. As you’re completing the maintenance steps listed below, pay attention to any signs that something is wrong with your HVAC system, and then give us a call for service to address any concerns.

Air Filter Selection

First, you want to choose an air filter that is appropriate for your HVAC system. The filter should be strong enough to capture harmful particles and filter them out of the air, but not so strong that it blocks airflow and places strain on your system. 

All air filters come with a MERV rating, which is short for minimum efficiency reporting value. Usually, a range of 8 to 13 on the MERV scale is appropriate for a residential HVAC system. Anything weaker will not improve your indoor air quality as much. Anything stronger may reduce the amount of airflow into your system, ultimately impacting your overall comfort.

Air Filter Maintenance

After deciding on an air filter, be sure to read the instructions for how long it can be in place. Some filters are rated to last for a single month, while others last for three months or maybe even longer. It’s a good idea to write the date on the side of the filter so you know exactly when you put it in place. Then, set a reminder so you remember when you change the air filter out. 

Otherwise it is very easy to forget and leave a dirty air filter in place for too long. Just like a filter that is too strong, a dirty filter can block airflow into your HVAC system and make it seem like your unit is not working correctly. Maintaining a clean filter will go a long way toward helping your HVAC system operate efficiently.

Prevent Leaks

You also want to take care of your HVAC system by preventing water leaks. Not all furnaces have a condensate drain line, but many do. Heat pumps and central air conditioners also have condensate drain lines where moisture collects from the air and condenses down into droplets to drain outside of your home. 

These small lines are prone to clogs thanks to dust and mold. Pouring half a cup of vinegar into the line once a month will go a long way toward preventing clogs and leaks by eliminating residue. If you do notice a leak, give our team a call to check it out so we can make sure there aren’t any other issues at hand.

Clean the Units

If you have a furnace, you want to clean it a little more often than you would a heat pump or central air conditioner. This is especially true if you have a gas furnace. Turn off the unit completely and allow it to cool down. Then open the cabinet and wipe down the inside to remove any dirt buildup and residue. Completing this task monthly is ideal.

For other types of HVAC systems, you can wipe down the inside cabinets every three to six months. Like a furnace, you want to make sure that your unit is turned off completely before attempting to open the cabinet and wipe it down.

You don’t have to worry about cleaning in between intricate components, as that is something that our team will do during annual HVAC maintenance. But reducing the amount of dust inside of the cabinet by any amount will help tremendously.

Your Comfort Is OUR Business. Contact the team at Snellville Heating today to schedule an appointment for the highest quality HVAC services.

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