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Serving the Snellville, GA Area Since 1988


Is It Time to Think About Heating Maintenance Yet? You Bet!

hands-opening-heating-cabinetLast year, we called October the “Unofficial Maintain Your Heater Month.” We made it unofficial for a good reason: September is also an excellent month to arrange for regular heating maintenance in Lawrenceville, GA. It’s the month when fall officially begins, and most people’s thoughts turn from summer the moment the calendar flips over to September, even if the weather is still warm.

If you want to get a head start on a professional inspection and tune-up for your home’s heating system, we encourage that. September is when business for HVAC companies starts to slow down as fewer people need help with their air conditioners and the weather hasn’t gotten cold enough for heating emergencies. You’ll find it easy to schedule a convenient appointment for our technicians to give your heating system the attention and service necessary for a safe and warm winter.

The Snellville Comfort Club

In case you haven’t met before, we’d like to introduce you to our Comfort Club: the easiest way to enjoy regular maintenance, not only for your heating system, but for your air conditioning system as well. 

When you enroll in the Comfort Club, you’ll receive more than important maintenance visits. We offer several important membership perks:

  • 20% discount on repairs, with a 1-year warranty on most repairs
  • Priority customer status so you can jump to the front of the service queue
  • 24/7 emergency services
  • No overtime charges
  • Assurance pricing

Our team can solve problems fast using state-of-the-art communications systems, and we maintain extensive info on your equipment using computerized service records. We always know what’s going on with your HVAC system and whatever regular service it needs.

Heating Maintenance Must Be Done Every Fall

An important reminder: don’t skip heating maintenance, even for just one year. Yes, people often have busy fall schedules and it’s too easy to let certain routine tasks fall off a “to-do” list, but it pays to get this job done every fall. The rewards are too great:

  • You’ll keep your heating system in the safest condition possible. This is extremely important if you (like the majority of homeowners) use natural gas to heat your home. Safety inspections will stop almost all potential health hazards for your family.
  • The heating system will enjoy the longest service life. Without maintenance, many heating systems might only last for around 8 years when they could last for 15.
  • You won’t need to schedule many repairs for your heater, because more than 50% of heating system repairs are due to lack of maintenance.
  • The energy efficiency of the heating system won’t rapidly decline and stick you with high bills for the same comfort performance. 
  • Regular maintenance is necessary to keep the equipment warranty in force. You won’t be trapped paying for a repair or replacement that’s the fault of the manufacturer.

Get on our schedule this September so you’ll be ahead of the crowd. Once we’ve given your heater a full inspection, tune-up, and clean bill of health, you can relax knowing you’re prepared for the winter ahead.

Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing. Your comfort is OUR business! Call today to schedule maintenance or to join the Comfort Club.

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