Why Air Quality is Often Bad in Homes Like Yours

July 13th, 2020

microbes-floating-due-to-low-indoor-air-qualitySo you’ve realized that you have poor indoor air quality in your home and you’re just not getting it—what in the world is going on? You take good care of your home, you take the extra effort to make it look nice on top of keeping it clean, and you feel like your indoor air quality should be good because of this, right?

Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case. Indoor air quality is a tricky thing and it has some often unexpected variables that contribute to it. If you need to improve your indoor air quality, we’d like to recommend an air purifier in Lawrenceville, GA. We’ll unpack this more below, but an air purifier can meet the needs of almost any resident here.

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Clogged Drain? Don’t Use Chemical Cleaners and Here’s Why

June 29th, 2020

drain-cleaning-illustrationThe clogged drain—wow, what a nuisance. What a pain. And no matter how well you care for your plumbing, or how much you watch what goes down your drains, one day you’ll have to face clogs. So what can you do when you’ve got one?

There’s the handy ol’ plunger. Either the sink or the toilet plunger can often take care of extremely basic clogs. You might try a hand-cranked drain snake, which can sometimes be effective with hair clogs in shower and bathroom sink drains. Or you can use a chemical drain cleaner …

No, wait! Don’t use chemical drain cleaners! If the plunger or the simple drain snake doesn’t solve the problem, the next step is to call a Lawrenceville, GA, plumber to use professional tools to open up the drain. No plumber recommends using store-bought chemical drain cleaners for drains—and for some excellent reasons:

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Signs the AC’s Compressor Is in Trouble

June 15th, 2020

compressor-in-ac-unitThe compressor is the part of your air conditioner that puts in the most work over the summer. It’s basically the “heart” of the AC, the part where refrigerant is placed under pressure so it will circulate through the heat exchange process. The compressor is in danger of failing the older the air conditioner gets, and a failed compressor often means it’s more cost-effective to replace the AC than to replace only the compressor.

You can catch early signs of compressor trouble and call for AC repair in Athens, GA from our technicians. Reacting quickly to compressor issues can sometimes prevent a far more serious breakdown. Of course, you need to know what signs to watch for. Here are some of the main ones:

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Warning Sounds From Your AC—Watch Out for These!

June 1st, 2020

woman-covering-earsIt would be much easier for you during the summer if you had an air conditioning system that could communicate with you exactly when something was wrong with it, what it was, and what steps need to be taken. Maybe one day we’ll have fully AI-driven air conditioners that will do this. Until then, we have to accept the warning signs an air conditioner can give us. One of the most obvious and easy-to-read signs is strange noises coming from the AC cabinets.

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Do You Need AC Repairs?

May 18th, 2020

Unfortunately, your air conditioner is going to require repairs at some point. However, there is no need to fret, especially when you’ve got a team like ours on your side! See, we are fully equipped and ready to help you deal with whatever AC problem comes your way!

There are a number of signs that suggest your air conditioner is in need of repairs, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and remember if your AC exhibits any of the following signs, it is important to schedule your air conditioning repairs in Snellville, GA right away!

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The Two Main Causes of Early Pipe Replacement

May 4th, 2020

No homeowner wants to replace their plumbing early. But unfortunately, things do happen, and you might find yourself in this predicament. However, you needn’t worry too much when you have a team like ours on your side! Professional plumbers like us are a vital resource to use when trying to keep your plumbing in good shape.

See, we are highly aware of the issues that lead to early pipe replacement, and below, we have outlined two of the most common for you. All you need to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need a Monroe plumber. 

So, let’s get started!

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Ready to Break Up with Your Air Conditioner?

April 20th, 2020

We totally get it — breakups are hard! But sometimes, they really are for the best. See, your air conditioner, no matter how great it once was, was not designed to last forever, and eventually, you are going to have to move on.

In fact, there are a number of signs that suggest your air conditioner is due for a replacement, and below, we have listed some of these signs for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need air conditioning replacement in Monroe, GA. 

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Where’d My Hot Water Go?

April 6th, 2020

Your water heater is absolutely essential to your comfort, so of course, if you suddenly find yourself sitting in a tub of cold water, it is definitely a problem! See, there are a number of things that can go wrong with your water heater, which is why we have written this blog.

A variety of things can contribute to a lack of hot water, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need a Monroe plumber.

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Yes, You Need to Change Your Air Filter BEFORE Summer

March 23rd, 2020

man-holding-air-filterHere’s the deal: your air conditioner is only going to work efficiently and effectively if you take care of it. That means scheduling annual maintenance, calling for repairs at the first sign of trouble, and most importantly, changing out your air filter on a regular basis!

Below, we have outlined the importance of changing your air filter, so we hope that you’ll keep reading! Of course, though, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact our team! We’re your go-to for all things HVAC in Snellville, GA.

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It’s Time to Get Your AC Ready for Spring!

March 9th, 2020

various-cooling-devicesSpring is practically here, which means that now is the perfect tune to think about scheduling your annual maintenance services. See, maintenance is key to the long and successful service life of your system, so trust us when we say that you don’t want to miss out!

There are plenty of reasons to schedule annual maintenance, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. And of course, remember to call our team when you need air conditioning services in Snellville, GA.

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