Should You Replace Your AC This Fall?

September 20th, 2021

old-air-conditionerThe fall may be a time when the weather begins to cool down and we don’t need to rely on our air conditioners as much, but it’s also a good time to schedule important services for air conditioners. Fall is a less crowded time of the year for professional HVAC in Conyers, GA, with technicians answering fewer emergency AC calls and the heating season not underway yet. If you think you have an AC ready for retirement, fall is an excellent time to have it done.

But … do you need a new AC? That might be the big question bothering you. You have suspicions your current air conditioner won’t be useful for much longer, but a professional AC replacement is a big job and not something you want to rush into. 

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Is It Time to Think About Heating Maintenance Yet? You Bet!

September 6th, 2021

hands-opening-heating-cabinetLast year, we called October the “Unofficial Maintain Your Heater Month.” We made it unofficial for a good reason: September is also an excellent month to arrange for regular heating maintenance in Lawrenceville, GA. It’s the month when fall officially begins, and most people’s thoughts turn from summer the moment the calendar flips over to September, even if the weather is still warm.

If you want to get a head start on a professional inspection and tune-up for your home’s heating system, we encourage that. September is when business for HVAC companies starts to slow down as fewer people need help with their air conditioners and the weather hasn’t gotten cold enough for heating emergencies. You’ll find it easy to schedule a convenient appointment for our technicians to give your heating system the attention and service necessary for a safe and warm winter.

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Why Your Home’s Water Pressure Has Dropped

August 23rd, 2021

faucet-drippingLow water pressure in residential plumbing (lower than 40 psi) turns ordinary days into a series of nuisances. It starts with a morning shower that takes so long because the water from the showerhead may as well come from a sprinkling can. Then trying to wash anything in the sink turns into a slog. Filling up a glass with water takes twice as long … all around, you don’t want low water pressure!

The good news: you can fix water pressure troubles in your house, often with a call to a professional plumber in Lawrenceville, GA. Low water pressure can happen for a range of reasons, from small to large, and we’re going to look at the most common of them. Knowing these facts will help you take the next steps to get your plumbing back in shape and your days easier once again.

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Your AC’s Cooling Capacity: How Much Does Your Home Need?

August 9th, 2021

cold-man-and-woman-in-parkasWe’ve written before about how much an air conditioner can lower the temperature in a house. This is known as an AC’s temperature differential: the maximum amount it can lower the temperature inside compared to the temperature outside. 

Today we’re going to look at the cooling capacity of your air conditioner. This may sound like it’s the same as the temperature differential, but it isn’t. Where temperature differential is the same for all ACs, cooling capacity has a large range. Ensuring the AC for your home has the correct cooling capacity is vital for having an effective and energy-efficient cooling system.

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Runaway AC! Why Your Air Conditioner Won’t Turn Off

July 26th, 2021

blown-awayWhen your air conditioner won’t come on in the middle of the summer, you have a problem. Possibly a big problem that will make it necessary to call for professional air conditioning service in Winder, GA. But what happens when your AC won’t turn off? If you’re in the middle of a hot day, you might think, “Sounds like a great problem to have!” Trust the HVAC pros, this is not a good situation. An AC that won’t shut down will mean a house that is too cold, an AC that wears down fast, and extremely high bills. 

So let’s talk about the runaway AC. If you currently have this problem, you can put an immediate stop to it by shutting off the circuit breaker for the air conditioner at the electrical panel. This at least will stop the drain on energy and your house from turning into an igloo while you get professional help to find out what’s wrong. We’ll take a look below at some possible causes of the AC that won’t shut off.

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Top Reason to Call Professional Plumbers

July 12th, 2021

hand-holding-wrenchYou have three options for taking care of plumbing jobs in your house, such as repairs or new installations:

  1. Try to do the job yourself with available tools and maybe some online tutorials.
  2. Look around for somebody who’ll do the job for cheap, but isn’t a professional (some guy who knows a guy…).
  3. Call licensed professional plumbers.

The correct choice is #3. We understand you might feel tempted to go for the first option if you think of yourself as handy around the house and you have a good set of wrenches. The second option may lure you with the promise the job can be done inexpensively. But both can lead to much more trouble—expensive, even dangerous trouble! Below are the reasons to always rely on a professional plumber in Athens, GA for any service you need in your home.

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Why Your AC Might Be Leaking Water

June 28th, 2021

waterWe’ve talked before about the problem of refrigerant leaks in air conditioners and how you can detect them early so you can call us for AC repair in Covington, GA. But more than refrigerant can leak out of your air conditioning system. Your AC can leak water as well.

You might think, “Wait, the AC doesn’t use water to cool down the air. It uses refrigerant.” First, take some pride in your HVAC knowledge—we hope this means you read our earlier blog! Second, you correctly identified that an AC doesn’t use water for cooling. But an air conditioner does create water as a byproduct of how it works, and its design allows it to remove this water from the cabinet and out of the house. If you listen to your air conditioner as it runs, you’ll occasionally hear the sound of water. That’s AC removing water through its condensate system. When this condensate system malfunctions, it leads to water leaks.

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Your AC Has Cooling Limits—Let’s Talk About That

June 1st, 2021

thermostat-and-woman-72-degreesThe modern electro-mechanical air conditioner is a marvel of technology: a device that provides cool comfort to a building on a hot day just by circulating refrigerant to move heat from the indoor air, then distributing that air around the rooms. 

Of course, the word just is doing the heavy lifting in that sentence, since air conditioning systems are complex and precise devices where many components must work in conjunction to create the cooling a house enjoys.

And that cooling has limits. You probably know that the AC keeping your home an oasis of relaxation doesn’t have infinite cooling power—it can’t make the house as cold as a freezer, even if you did want that. We’re going to use this post to look at what the cooling limits of your air conditioning in Athens, GA actually are.

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A Common Plumbing Question We Hear: What Exactly Is a Slab Leak?

May 17th, 2021

slab-leak-crack-in-foundationLeak is not a word people want to hear in connection with their home plumbing. And a slab leak, well, that sounds even worse. Almost sinister. But what does it actually mean?

Slab leaks are one of the most important problems that we work on as Suwanee, GA plumbers, and the better informed our customers are about what they are and how to watch for them, the easier they are to stop early. And slab leaks are definitely something you want stopped as early as possible. 

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The Dangers of Leaking AC Refrigerant

May 3rd, 2021

resiidential-ac-unitPeople who aren’t in the HVAC industry often have misconceptions about how air conditioning systems work, specifically the role of refrigerant. Homeowners often imagine that refrigerant is a fuel for the air conditioner, something that will eventually run out and need to be refilled. 

Refrigerant is not a fuel source. Air conditioning systems run on one type of energy: electricity. A refrigerant is a heat transfer medium. It’s what allows an air conditioner to pump heat from a house to the outside. The refrigerant works, in some ways, like blood in the human body: a pump circulates it to allow the system to run. But if the human body loses blood, it creates more. If an air conditioning system loses refrigerant, it can’t create more and will be in serious danger until it receives professional AC repair in Lawrenceville, GA.

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