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Ways We Can Help You Save Water With Your Plumbing

showerhead-dripping-close-upDo you find that your regular water bills are far too high? Higher than you think they should be? You can search out online lists of ways to change your water-using habits, and everyone knows that taking shorter showers is a basic part of cutting down on household water consumption. 

However, there are ways that a Conyers, GA plumber can help you save water that go beyond basic steps like “don’t run the bathroom sink faucet while you brush your teeth.” Plumbers are some of the best people for pinpointing where your house is wasting water. There are places in your home where updating fixtures and making repairs will make a huge difference in your monthly water bills. 

Below are some ways our plumbers can lower water use in your household.

Finding and repairing hidden leaks

If your monthly water bill baffles you because you know you can’t be using as much water as it claims, it’s probably warning you there are hidden leaks in the house. Many homes have leaks that go undetected, sometimes for years. We recommend scheduling leak detection services with us to find out if this is what’s happening in your home. One type of leak in particular that can waste water without you noticing is the slab leak, a leak in the granite foundation of the house. Once we determine where leaks are occurring, we can have them fixed and stop this major source of waste.

Low-flow showerheads

“I’m taking as short a shower as I can, but it isn’t making a difference!” We know it’s frustrating when you put in the effort to reduce water, but it seems to do no good. One way to make a change is to have our plumbers install low-flow showerheads. These showerheads have flow rate of less than 2.5 gallons per minute. Your old showerhead may use 5.5 gallons per minute, so putting in a low-flow replacement can reduce water use in the shower by half. You’ll hardly notice the difference in your experience in the shower.

Low-flow toilets

The bathroom toilets in a house account for the largest portion of indoor water use. Changing from an old toilet that uses 3 to 6 gallons per flush to a low-flow toilet that uses less than 1.5 gallons per flush can mean a big change. There are also options for dual flush toilets that use different water amounts for liquid and solid waste. Ask our plumbers about your options. 

New faucets

Your current faucets may not only use too much water, but they may also have slow leaks—and these leaks add up. We can make upgrades to faucets that use aerators that lower flow below 2 gallons per minute. And any faucet that keeps dripping is one you should look into having replaced.

New appliances

That old dishwasher and laundry machine might be costing you plenty each time you run them. If you don’t have WaterSense-approved appliances, speak to our plumbers about making these upgrades for a water-friendly house. 

At Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing, “Your Comfort Is OUR Business.” Arrange for plumbing service with us in the Snellville, GA area.

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