Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Buford’

Setting Your Thermostat the Right Way

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Did you know that setting your thermostat correctly can help to optimize energy efficiency while also keeping your home and family comfortable? It’s true, and we are highlighting some of our best tips for optimizing your thermostat settings.

If you ever suspect that something is wrong with your air conditioner, give our team a call for air conditioning repair in Buford. Sometimes air conditioner problems are actually thermostat problems, and we can check out both your AC and accompanying thermostat. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how to set your thermostat in each season as well as other tips for saving money on energy costs.

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How to Evaluate the Cost of Heater Repair

Monday, December 25th, 2023

Heating repairs are never fun to make because there are usually unexpected costs that you’re not planning for. But some heating repairs can be so expensive that they don’t even make sense to spend money on. The question is, how do you know how much is too much when it comes to a heating repair? When you need heating repair in Buford, GA, give our team a call. 

We can schedule a service appointment to assess your repair needs. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about repair costs and when a heating repair may be too expensive. We’re also highlighting some tips for how you can maintain your manufacturer’s warranty so that when repair needs do arise, your manufacturer’s warranty will be active and can cover some of those costs.

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With Spring Approaching, Make Sure Your Sump Pump Is Working

Monday, March 7th, 2022

sump-pumpMost people connect springtime with good feelings: warmer weather and blooming plants. But spring has some downsides as well, such as allergies and all that spring cleaning. One concern during spring is potential flooding. Spring can bring with it intense storms, and snowmelt can also lead to flood conditions. 

If your home has had trouble with flooding in the basement or crawl space before, then you probably have a sump pump installed to help out. (If you dont, it’s definitely time to get one!) Before the spring weather arrives and brings the threat of flooding with it, we recommend you do several checks on your sump pump to see that it’s ready to do its job if it needs to. You hope it won’t need to, but a preventive device isn’t much good if it won’t actually work when it’s required.

We’ll go over what you can do to check on your sump pump.

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The Biggest Ways Air Conditioning Maintenance Benefits You

Monday, April 5th, 2021

air-conditioner-condenser-3D-renderEach spring, we recommend our customers arrange for professional maintenance to inspect and tune-up their air conditioning systems. Although it’s a “recommendation,” we don’t think of maintenance as just a beneficial service—it’s a necessary one if you want your air conditioner to have the longest service life with the fewest problems and lowest operating costs possible. For more information on why tune-ups are essential, check out our article on 4 reasons to book an AC tune-up today.

We’re not the only people making this recommendation. The US Department of Energy urges all homeowners to have annual maintenance for their air conditioner. And there’s no better time for the job than spring, right before the hot weather arrives.

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Already Worried Your Heater Won’t Make It Through the Winter?

Monday, November 16th, 2020

furnace-oldYou arrived at this blog post because you’re fretting. It’s almost winter, outdoor temperatures are falling, and you feel uncertain that your home’s heating system is up to the job of keeping your family warm until spring.

We can understand this worry. But we also can say with confidence that you don’t need to worry. You have our excellent team for any heating repair in Buford, GA you might need during the coming winter, and we also handle the maintenance service to prevent most repairs. 

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