Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lawrenceville’

On, Off, On, Off… It’s Called Short-Cycling!

Monday, August 12th, 2019

Okay, so your air conditioner keeps turning on and off, which can be quite a nuisance! We completely understand why this issue is super annoying, but do you know why it is happening? Our guess is that you probably don’t — in fact, most homeowners don’t!

It’s called short-cycling, and it is quite a big deal. One might even say that it is quite a HUGE deal. Why? Because not only will it increase wear and tear on your system, but it will also cause your cooling costs to sky-rocket!

Because many homeowners don’t quite understand what short-cycling is or why it happens, we have explained it all below. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! (And of course, if it happens to you, call for air conditioning repair in Lawrenceville, GA right away!)

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Plumbing 911? How an Emergency Plumber Can Help You

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Operator: “Plumbing 911, what’s your emergency?”

Homeowner: “My toilet won’t stop running!”

Operator: “Have no fear! Your emergency plumber is on the way!”

If you’ve been in a plumbing predicament before, you know just how stressful the situation can be. Plumbing emergencies are quite serious, as water damage can lead to some pretty costly repairs. Not to mention the mess involved! If you have a plumbing emergency on your hands, don’t wait! Contact your emergency plumber in Lawrenceville, GA right away!

Emergency plumbers are equipped to handle all sorts of plumbing plights, and below, we have listed some of the most common emergencies that homeowners deal with. Keep reading to find out more about how an emergency plumber can help you.

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Will a Sump Pump Work for Me?

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Sure, a leaky pipe in your home may seem like no big deal, and surely, you’ll get around to calling a plumber to repair it at some point, right? Well, the truth of the matter is that a leak can be quite a big deal and if left unattended, can cause some serious damage to your home and property. Of course, if you are home, you can deal with the problem before it becomes an emergency, but what happens if you are away? Or even worse, what happens if it’s not a leaky pipe, but rather a large rainstorm or even a flood?

These are the situations that make the need for a sump pump obvious. Water damage is a real threat to any home, and it is in your best interest to protect the areas of your home that are vulnerable to flooding. Investing in this much-needed plumbing installation in Lawrenceville, GA can make a huge difference the next time a major rainstorm occurs. In case you aren’t yet convinced, keep reading below. 

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My Heat Pump Isn’t Heating!

Monday, December 17th, 2018

Even here in Georgia, winter temperatures can dip well into the 50s, so you depend on your heating system to keep you warm, comfortable, and cozy all season long. If you own a heat pump, you are well aware of its benefits: it’s versatile, efficient, and very effective. Since your heat-pump works year round (also acting as an AC in the summer), it’s important that it is regularly maintained and promptly repaired when something does go wrong.

If you’ve noticed that your heat pump isn’t heating your home like you’d expect it to, it is time to schedule repair services. Luckily, Snellville Heating, Air, and Plumbing is an excellent HVAC company in Lawrenceville, GA. There are a number of reasons why your heat pump might not be working as it should. Below, we have provided you with a list of them. 

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